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Monday, October 24, 2011

Ten things that are important to me right now.

Listed are ten things that I feel are important right now.  They are not listed in order of importance.

  1. Health care
  2. Social security
  3. Economy/finance
  4. Jobs
  5. Green Space
  6. Sense of community
  7. Education
  8. Military
  9. Government reform
  10. Human rights/equality

I did ask my children.  Their response was rather short.
  1. Family
  2. Gay rights
  3. War
My aunt agreed with mine above, but she did add one more.
She said we need a better child care system.  If single parents and working parents had affordable and safe child care, many could get off the welfare system.  If a parent is paying so much in childcare and they do not have a good paying job it is hard to provide food and shelter as well.

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