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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Financial Gang

The G20

The Official Financial Gang

The world has 196 countries.  The G20 selects only 19 countries and the European Union.  That leaves 176 countries left standing without their voice being heard; leaving them silenced.  The G20 with all the big dollars talk over those little countries whose voices can’t be heard over the sound of greed. 

I was quite amazed when I went to the website of the G20, together we will share some of their achievements.  How proud they are of themselves.  What a joke.

To tackle the financial and economic crisis that spread across the globe in 2008, the G20 members were called upon to further strengthen international cooperation”.  Okay, are you serious?  If that gang did their job correctly, I think the 2008 crisis wouldn’t be the 2009, 2010, 2011 crisis.  I do not see any sort of strengthening going on internationally or locally. 

“The G20, with its balanced membership of developed and developing countries helped the world deal effectively with the financial and economic crisis”.  Balanced membership?  How is that possible when the G20 left out 176 countries and billion of voices not being heard?  Every country that is a member is developed.  They are financially stabled and have a stable trade system.  How can the WORLD deal effectively when 176 are left out?  What are they smoking anyway?

“Reducing abuse of the financial system, dealing with financial crises”.  I love this one.  The financial system is so abused it needs to be turned over to the people. We need to stand up and create a bank for the people by the people.  I like how our government will bail out these banks by millions of dollars and in turn these high end bankers make so many millions.  But, the abuse still goes on and the people are the ones getting hit on the ass.

“First, the scope of financial regulation has been largely broadened, and prudential regulation and supervision have been strengthened”.  Bullshit.

The public is not informed of anything inside of these top secret meetings until the end.  Then we are blessed to know the outcome of more lies.  I think it is a bunch of bullshit that the people are denied knowing what these countries are discussing when it is involving OUR money as well.  We should be privy to this knowledge.  They can keep it closed door, but it should be aired.  We have a right to be informed; we are intelligent people. 

When the G20 has their meeting in a different area around the world, security is raised ten-fold.  So, the people are informed months in advanced.  They can stand up and take their voice to the street and be heard.  Peaceful occupation is the only way to make a good protest work in the streets.  Don’t bring the violence to the scene.  It is sad when the men and women in blue who serve and protect us use violence against those being nonaggressive.  That sort of behavior needs to stop.  There is no need for an officer to spray pepper spray on people.  We have the right to speak and we will be heard.

The G20 is just disturbing.  Why all the secrets?  Why not include all countries?  What are they so afraid of?  

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